The timetables at the railway station Десенка - PROIZD™. Buy train tickets Десенка online

Station Десенка

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Київ-Пасажирський Гречани
On our service PROIZD™ everybody can easily and without any problems buy tickets Десенка to all type of wagons. Administration of our service warns, that the timetables of trains for Десенка can change periodically, that's why we recommend you to check availability of seats enough days prior.
Through the Десенка in average 1 trains go by, 0 of these trains are Intercity trains and 0 of them are fasted trains. Majority of trains go by in first half of a day. Earliest train 867К arrives on railway station Десенка at 18:47:00, does a stop for 1 minutes and departures at 18:48:00. Most latest train 867К arrives at 18:47:00, does a stop for 1 minutes and departures at 18:48:00. Average stop time is about 1 minutes. Some of trains which go through Десенка, don't pass every day, they have special timetable. You can buy railway tickets for train Десенка 45 days prior.